Report on the Jisc Monitor Review Workshop 26th March 2015

Review the Monitor Local and UK Aggregation Prototypes
The Monitor developers discussed the aims of their work, what Monitor is designed to do, the global and local models, and limitations of the current design. Prototypes of the data model, workflow, data fields and screen presentations were shown and feedback requested; was the right data included and what might be missing? The developers were keen to receive ideas for inclusion, questioned for clarity and understanding and accepted many of the numerous suggestions.
The prototypes are designed to fill current gaps in the OA landscape, additional work will be necessary to convert to a service. Alternative services or solutions may fill the gaps and in that case Monitor will cease further development and become redundant. If developed, a future system may be a local web or hosted service (the developers felt the latter was most likely) with an API to interface with other systems for import and export of data.
Details of their work published on Jisc Monitor blog See their outputs for details of the system specification and wireframes (screen presentations).
Monitor Local
Four work areas: publication, costs, compliance and tasks (monitoring progress, driving work). This workshop reviewed the costs requirements but other areas were discussed briefly.
Compliance checking is designed to be flexible as change is expected and it is possible to use the compliance element standalone (w/o other three elements) and interface to other systems.
The tasks display user interface assists in managing daily work by indicating ‘What needs doing?’ An indicator displays how complete individual tasks are and a task drop down takes users to different screens.
Monitoring of pre-pay accounts is not possible using Monitor. The Monitor Local data model maps to RIOXX elements.
Monitor Global
UK Aggregation – data could be fed from Monitor local or from proprietary apps or spreadsheets.
 Leverage UK negotiation
 Reduce institutional reporting requirements
 Outing bad practice
OA compliance automation was demonstrated using a spreadsheet download (data included PMCID, PMID and DOI and title) to interrogate services e.g. EPMC, DOAJ, CORE, Sherpa and text mining of publishers websites. Potential reports from Global might include expenditure by publisher, expenditure in OA/Hybrid journals and by institution. Linking and comparison with KB+ to provide comparison of subscription spend and APC payments is recognised but some way in the future.
Monitor are demonstrating at two UKSG workshops (31/03/2015 and 01/04/2015) and welcome feedback in the next six – seven weeks.